
Let’s create inspired leaders, courageous cultures, and thriving organizations…together.

“None of our institutions exists by itself and as an end in itself. Everyone is an organ of society and exists for society. Business is no exception.”

— Peter Drucker

Journey of Transformation.

Welcome to a realm where strategy meets creativity, where culture shapes success, and where influence ignites change. At Light Echo Co., we transcend the ordinary and partner with you to craft extraordinary outcomes for your teams and organization.

Let’s embark on a partnership where the science and art of influencing human thinking and behavior converge to drive positive change in people, teams, and organizations.

Our diverse and dynamic methodology draws upon the disciplines of adult learning, positive psychology, organizational psychology, and sociology. With a multi-disciplinary approach, we unlock the full potential of individuals and organizations alike.

Join us as we embark on a journey of transformation—a journey where strategy meets soul, and where change is not just embraced, but empowered.

Consulting Services.

  • Strategy

    Unlock the potential of your organization with our strategic expertise. We collaborate closely with you to craft innovative and actionable business strategies that propel your growth and achieve your long-term objectives.

  • Public Relations & Communications

    Craft compelling narratives and build meaningful connections with your audience. Our PR and communications experts help you amplify your brand's voice, navigate complex media landscapes, and cultivate authentic relationships that resonate with stakeholders.

  • Branding

    Forge a distinctive identity that captivates hearts and minds. We guide you through the strategic branding process, from defining your brand essence to creating compelling visual and verbal expressions that leave a lasting impression.

  • Culture Shaping

    Transform your organizational culture into a catalyst for success. We specialize in shaping inclusive, vibrant cultures that foster collaboration, creativity, and employee engagement, driving performance and retention.

  • Education

    Education forms the bedrock of our approach, where knowledge becomes transformation. Through immersive experiences and tailored workshops, we equip your teams with the knowledge, tools, and skills they need to excel.

  • Leadership Retreats

    Step into a realm of growth, reflection and renewal with our company and leadership retreats. Here, leaders reconnect with purpose, teams build trust and connection, and inspiration sparks innovation.

Dr. Katie Sandoe holds decades of experience in leading organizations of all sizes from the non-profit, small business, corporate, and government sectors. She works with a team of experts who bring their mastery in visual branding, digital marketing, retreat logistics, human resources, legal guidance, and more to client engagements.

Kristy Connell, Electron Energy Corporation

“Katie is an amazing presenter, facilitator and relationship-builder! After a brief meeting with our CEO and HR Director, she delivered a customized and tailored 3-session series to our leadership team.

Katie is respectful and acutely aware of the needs of the organization because she asks great questions, listens and is committed to her work and her clients. 

The “Doing Business for Good” series was one of the most effective on-site training programs EEC has offered to employees. Everyone on the leadership team valued the information and the time commitment. We will definitely engage with Katie for future training topics.”